
You have landed on the Tugboat's website. Let me be the first (and only) one to welcome you. 

This site is in its fledgling stage currently with a moderate amount of content but things will get more prolific as time goes on. Please keep checking back to see if anything else has been added for your entertainment.

Check out the Conversations tab where a great podcast is housed. You can also find it anywhere you find podcasts, rate and review it on Apple Podcasts if you want to help it out.

There is the Musings area that can include anything from monthly to daily updates on what The Tugboat is up to. It can also be random thoughts or rants. More and more there are a lot of photos hiding in there too.

And of course there is the Images tab, that is where photos from the year get deposited at random intervals. There are also longer, review videos from the appropriate YouTube channel housed in there.

There is the Theodore Complete corner, that is an area dedicated to the adventures of my friend Theodore. He is tracking the progress of his journey into learning to garden indoors. Check it out if that is a hobby of yours also.

Make sure you don’t miss the Archive section. That is where the things that don’t fit in the other boxes live. There are random items or the journeys of The Tugboat’s friends. There is also the previous iteration of a website that dates back to 2004.

Remember I do this because I want to, not because I have to. So expect lulls in the posting of new material. Stop complaining! It's free!